[WPE] Honoria in Ciberspazio


Alan Sondheim
Andre Spitz
Bryan Green
Cherie Long
Christopher Yavelow
Claudio Parrini
Debbie Peetz
Diane Gromala
Don Webb
Geoff Thomas
George Lester
Guido Carboni
Heath Rezabek
Joe Smith
John Farley
John Slatin
Jorge Villaobos
Joseph Zitt
JW Student
Karen Brichetto
Karen Palazzini
Kate Pierro
Keith Weston
Lenny Boudreau
Liz Swift
Mafalda Stasi
Melissa Tonelli
Michael Pare
Nanette Lara
Neil Cook
Nick Percoco
Nicolas Gounin
Nielson Gavina
Philip Mentor
Philippe Gassie
Remz Koyak
Richard MacKinnon
Robert Deitrich
Rose Anderson
Sandy Stone
Scotto Moore
Seth Anderson
Shannon Murphy
Simon Chua
Steven Mentor
Summer Camper 5
Susan Landrum
Tommaso Tozzi
Wendy Fragapane
William Ryan

Arias and their authors

Cyberspace Lost by Steven Mentor
Come to me by Scotto Moore
Pensando Navigando by Claudio Parrini
Who is this here with poetry by Karen Palazzini
It’s a puzzle, it’s a mess by Joe Smith
Puking blob aria by Richard MacKinnon
Come hither, we know you desire by Kate Pierro
My blue electric razor skin pulsates by Mafalda Stasi

Thanks to Professor William McCraw for Italian translations.
Appreciation to Professor John Slatin and Yacov Sharir for their Virtual Reality, Cyberspace, and the Arts class.
Eternal gratitude for Professor Sandy Stone.
Thank you to The University of Texas Computation Center, to Apple Computer, Inc., and to my mother, Pauline Averitte.