[WPE] Honoria in Ciberspazio


honoria in ciberspazio is an opera in the making. This website is the hub and repository of the project.

honoria in ciberspazio is a romantic, collaborative opera. Over 60 contributors sent poetry and arias to the libretto. The opera’s characters sing and type their words into the constant flow of Internet information. Their fragmented net communication leads to misunderstandings, complex philosophical positioning, confrontations, danger and love.

Original music is being composed by George Oldziey.

This opera artfully explores insights into the complex ways in which online communication and relationships are experienced by many of us. Since the days of the beginning of the project, activity in the on-line social realm has been steadily growing, making the subject of this work of art one of ever-present relevance.


The cyberopera has received a number of awards beginning with the beautiful Texas Interactive Multi Media Association award for creative excellence in 1997. In 1998 the cyberopera was selected as a finalist project of the Global Information Infrastructure Awards.

The opera was one of one hundred Global Bangemman Challenge awards in Sweden in 1999 where it was a great honor to receive the award in the blue hall in Stockholm where the Nobel Peace prizes are presented. More on honoria in ciberspazio in the Global Bangemann Challenge Awards.

  • Global Bangemann Challenge Award Finalist
  • Texas Interactive Media Achievement Award
  • Global Information Infrastructure Awards Semi-Finalist
  • Texas Commission on the Arts
  • Studyweb Academic Excellence Award